
Issue 1, V1

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Welcome to Today's Webmaster, a biweekly webzine showcasing articles and interviews of the most successful webmasters that you probably never heard of. These are the webmasters that have created not only a strong following with their websites, but also a strong monthly income from doing what they enjoy. You probably came across a few of their sites and never knew about the people behind them or the secrets they have to making it on the web. Now you will!
Latest Edition...
Webmaster: Tiago Stock URL:
Age: 28 Monthly Pageviews: ~1,200,000
Favorite Animal: The Giant Squid Category: Business/Finance

This ex-construction worker from Portugal found his home on the web when he got into porn. Alright, no, isn't a porn site. But, that's the first thing many people think of when they see the domain name. Instead of porn...

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